4 Tips for Choosing the Perfect Custom Mantel for Your Home

A fireplace can be a great addition to a room, but just like most aspects of home design, fireplaces can get outdated. When you are ready to give your fireplace a makeover, you’ll want to consider all its aspects. The measurements you choose for your fireplace will have a huge impact on the final result. For example, according to Old House Journal Magazine, a popular publication on home improvement and real estate, mantel height is fairly standard, with the shelf at about 52 to 58 inches above the floor. While there are standard sizes, you can still customize this to fit your home.

1. Put Plenty of Thought Into the Process

The fireplace is always a focal point of a room. If the fireplace and mantel are well coordinated, they can become a lovely, stunning aspect of your home. However, if it’s not well done, it can really take away from the overall aesthetic of the space. When you’re choosing a mantel, you need to allow yourself the time to put a lot of thought into the design. You don’t want to leave this important element up to purely cost or availability. Take time to research designs you like and put together a list of qualities you want in your mantel.

2. Choose an Optimal Mantel Length

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to choosing your mantel length. Depending on the chimney design and decorative elements you plan to incorporate, you may have countless mantel length options available to you. Don’t be afraid to test different lengths until you find one that matches your vision for your perfect fireplace.

3. Consider the Mantel Face Height

When deciding the mantel face height, you’ll need to take note of your fireplace size and the room it’s in. In a large space with high ceilings, a thicker face height doesn’t pose a problem, but in smaller homes, it might overpower the space if it’s too big. According to Home Depot, most regulations require at least 12 inches of clearing space between the mantel and the top of the fireplace.

4. Consult the Experts

Choosing a custom mantel is no easy process. Nobody knows that better than the experts designing and manufacturing your mantel! Ask your building professionals questions about what’s popular and what they recommend for your unique home and budget. They’ll be happy to provide insight into your project.

If you would like to learn more about custom mantel design and installation, please contact Stone Mountain Castings & Design today. We look forward to helping you create the cozy fireplace of your dreams!